Saturday, March 11, 2006

A Conversation

Something made me look back to some key events that happened a while back; events that had a big part in who I am right now. Yet despite their importance to me, not much have been preserved in terms of sharp memories. All that's really left is a tableau frozen in my mind, clippings of what I felt during the time - just mere ideas of feelings. And I feel somewhat silly because of those. Perhaps this is how people mature. What I had considered overshadowing my life then is now a mere wisp of a specter compared to the shadows that loom over my existence today. Times do change.. and in a way, so do people. There is an essence that remains that clearly defines who they are, but everything is subject to the whims of time.

I wonder, in the near future, what else would change. When I eventually look back to this exact time, what would I say to myself? Perhaps I'll just be laughing at myself for how much I let myself get carried away. But perhaps too I'll be seeing how much I have changed since.

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