Monday, January 22, 2007

Pointless post

What's the point of this post? Perhaps there's no point other than wanting to put something down on these dying pages of my blog. Much like everything else about life - dying. The moment we are born, we start to die. The beginning of everything also marks its end in time. That's how it goes, how the cookie crumbles, how the world turns. Everything ends. Eventually. Oh why did some things have to end sooner, I have no clue. But perhaps that is for the best. If it were gonna end anyway, what's the use prolonging it when doing so would only make the end seem more bitter and sad than it already is. If that's the fate of everything, why bother wishing for it to drag on. Ha, so much negativity that needs to be released. Well, not my fault. The workings of this world is a mystery to me. An ever greater mystery is the workings of a mind. Is there even such a thing as feelings? Isn't it all in the mind? It bothers me that I feel so much and I can't even rationalize with it. Why can't I make it stop? Why does certain things or actions bring out these things?

Sometimes I think: wouldn't it be nice to have no heart at all. Nothing to hurt, nothing to break. And maybe nothing of that dreadful thing called "love"...

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