Sunday, September 19, 2004


In just a few short weeks, 1st sem will be over, and everything will be calm again. But before that happens, there's a gauntlet of tasks waiting to be finished. The deadlines are piling up faster than I can finish them and I'm beginning to feel the results. I'm getting burned out fast. I've put a lot of effort out already, but it seems that it was late as usual. How do I cope with all these? So many deadlines, so little time...

But that's not the only reason for this current state I'm in. Schoolwork is just part of it; although it would seem to be the only part. There are hidden factors that I can't quite grasp yet. There might be something to do with everything else. Hmm... let's see, there's definitely family-related causes, and there's also friends-related causes, emotion-related causes, weather-related causes (i guess), and some other causes too minor to place in a group on their own. The bottomline is that everything that's been happening in my life is a cause, though some cause more "burn" than others.

Will I ever get anything done? I can't answer that yet. I hope though. I'm in a downward spiral and I hope I don't take anyone along with me...

1 comment:

naivete said...

"causes too minor to place in a group on their own" hehe you just put them in a group of their own :D Don't worry, sem break is super near na... just hiding over yonder horizon haha