Sunday, April 22, 2007

When it is painfully obvious...

Sometimes it's just easier to give up than to hold on to something. We just believe that holding on to an impossible thing will prove our determination or strength of will or character... that we don't give up easily. But when everything is stacked against you, is it still that easy? Does it still prove strength of character? There are times when holding on despite the odds can be called a noble cause, something to be emulated. We hold on to values in this manner, and it is a noble ideal not to succumb when things don't always go the way you want. But there are times too when there's no point. It just becomes stubbornness to keep fighting for something that clearly isn't going to work out.

Patience and determination are not infinite in a person. By the essence of change, we do not stay with the same ideals, the same hope, the same faith throughout our lives.

People change.

And sometimes, no matter how hard you try, no matter how often you fall and get back up, people will always let you down. And then you come to ask yourself:

Is it still worth it to hold on?

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