Saturday, February 18, 2006

Shaded clouds and swirly skies

Okay, it's been a while since I last updated. And it's not because nothing has been happening. A lot, in fact, has happened. But for one reason or another, I can't put them here. Anyway,I'll try to put something sensible here to keep it going.

My whole life sometimes seem like one big blurry image with a few scattered points of sharp focus, like islands in a sea of blue. And the blurriness itself constantly shifts, moving from one point of density to the next, like fog swirling with the breeze. As such, there is no clear picture of my life.

There are times when I'd wish things were clearer, without any vagueness, confusion, nor uncertainty. Where everything is as clear as day and all the options laid out before me, extending towards the distant horizon. But things aren't like that. There are no easy decisions, and there isn't a clear horizon. Sometimes I feel as if I'm just feeling my way in the darkness. And besides having to contend with my inner demons, there is still that volatile factor of external existence - other people.

I can't understand some people. Well, most of them really. For me, I'd like things simple. But there are people who thrive in complications. Why do they say one thing when their actions mean another? It's totally inconsistent. Is it enough to speak? It's easy to be consistent if you're being truthful, right? Because what people say and what people do, if they come from the same place, should be the same. But why do some people put on a facade? Why do they have to put on masks?

My questions delve deeper than simply asking about "seeming" people. This is not merely a question; it's a challenge. When you hide yourself, what are you really trying to hide?

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