Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Truth be told.. pagod na ako. I've been tired for the past 3-4 weeks.. I can barely keep my eyes open, my head throbbes in pain, my vision is blurring, my body feels like lead.. and yet my day has just begun, just a few hours after the previous one ended.

I'm beginning to loathe the so-called "bunker mentality".. it limits what can be done and reduces efficiency. And it just shows how uncaring people can be.. I'm beginning to stop caring myself.. And what of panic? I'm way past panic. Despair? Done with that too. And when you get to the end of that long litany of possible emotions brought out by stress, what do you find? Indifference.

Malapit na.

"..But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams."
- Yeats

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