Thursday, June 09, 2005

New Beginnings

I saw a lot of fresh new faces today. Hmm.. I wonder how many of them I'll get to meet. A lot of new people brings a lot of new chances to make friends. A lot of new opportunities too. If I'm planning to get to know a lot of them, then I better start early. Hehe. There are a few I'd really like to "meet" though. Hehe. I hope I meet "them." Forgive me for being a bit vague, but I think you can guess what I mean. Anyways, I'm getting excited already. Nothing is so exciting as meeting new people and the possibility of acquiring new friends. Ofcourse, some of those may not last that long; some may get stunted at some point. But still, there are rare instances, a small chance, that I may find very. very good friends. And that possibility more than makes up for the ones that will most likely fail.

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