Thursday, November 10, 2005

Stars and Candles

There are people in life who are like stars: bright, brilliant, a shining beacon to a lot of people, guiding lost souls over the vast, dark oceans at night, and.. distant. Distant stars that can never be reached. Stars admired by many, yet alone in the vast, cold sky. Such stars give inspiration in dreams, been wished upon, and cried upon. A countless multitude bearing the wishes, dreams, problems, and pains of an ocean of people..

Then there are people who are like candles. They bring light and warmth and a soft glow in the dark. Unlike stars, candles give off less brilliance, yet stars are so far away that candles radiate light much more brightly. But candles are fleeting things. They burn out after some time. And they are also easy to put out; a strong gust and they lose the fire. So candles must be sheltered..

Two different types of people. One distant yet constant, another close yet evanescent. They both share a quality that is illumination, but are so different in nature. And one cannot help but need both in life. The absence of stars would darken the sky and diminish it's beauty, and the absence of candles would darken the world and extinguish the warmth of fire.

Two types of people.. which one are you? Which one am I to you? A bit of both perhaps. For we are all the stuff of stars, yet burn for a short while in life. And oftentimes, we leave an after-image in the eyes of others, an image that comes when they close their eyes, but soon fade..

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