Sunday, January 15, 2006

Balance by a Thread

I must admit, life does get complicated with or without any effort. A lot of things seem to "just happen" every now and then. Although I do know that nothing ever "just happens", but they definitely seem to. And then what do you do when they do? Me? I'd like to control the situation as much as possible. I don't feel comfortable when things snowball downhill. But not all situations require manipulation.. some can just be left to happen. But there are a few important ones. That's that for now.

I just saw Narnia yesterday. Frankly, I had expected it to be better. It just seemed.. rushed. I don't know. But it had been a good day. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough of an escape. It would be wonderful to have a closet like that of my own. So I can just escape to my own little world whenever I feel like it and get lost in my dreams. If I ever have time to think about everything I'm trying to avoid thinking of, I'm going to go insane. Too many things to worry about, too many questions of why, to many mysteries to solve, too many things to sort out, too many of everything. Hmm, I'm being vague again. I can't help it. The moment I speak clearly of my situation, that will be the time when I have nothing left to worry about.. or I don't care enough to worry anymore.

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