Sunday, October 09, 2005


There's not much to say right now despite the fact that there's a lot of things going on in my mind. There's always a lot of things going on in my mind. I can't really help it.

I just finished watching 50 First Dates again for the nth time, and I could go on watching it still. It really is such a nice movie, but those things never happen in real life. Sure there may be instances of that mental disability, but the story itself is so improbable. It would be nice though..

It seems to me that life is testing me everyday. And everyday I keep failing. Where are the books? Where are the handouts? The readings? The notes? The tests are so subjective that there are no sure answers. But why do I still feel that I'm failing? It's like everyday, I'm unprepared for the test. They say you learn from experience, and experience usually comes from mistakes. If that's true, I should be a genius right about now. The fact is, nothing you do can really prepare you for living life. You may say that experience is an advantage, but life cases never repeat. They may be similar, but they're always so distinctly different that experience in one isn't such a big help in another situation. The only thing it may provide is a sort of numbness to ease away the pain.

Interesting topic, that of pain. There are many types. All of them can be channeled out, but perhaps the most painful ones that linger is emotional pain - the type that drives straight into the soul. There's no defense against that, other than numbness. No physical armor will ever protect you from that. I guess even Superman, the man of steel, is not immune to that. For that type of pain doesn't harm the flesh, it seeks out the heart and runs it through. It's the cost of having a heart - that it gets hurt, like everything that exists.

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