Saturday, May 14, 2005

Serious and Silly

There are times when we try to forget some things that happened in the past. Reasons vary, but the act of forgetting is the same. We try to remove it from our minds; not to think about it; but when faced with what we try to forget, we realize deep inside that we can never quite completely erase it from our minds. If it's a specially significant experience, then it gets burned in the mind. Sometimes we just try to ignore it, feign indifference. But no matter how much apathy we throw at it, how much we tell ourselves, "I don't care," it stares back at us and we know that we can't push it away forever.

Some things we just have to face.

But not now, not yet.


Lined up for an hour for an advisement that took only a minute to finish... what a waste of time..

Speaking of advisement, I'm dead. And what's worse is, I'm responsible for it. I took a class that promises to be quite.. difficult. That's in addition to an already heavy 1st sem. I should've picked the easier elective, like everyone else.. "two roads diverged in a wood and I, I picked the one less traveled by.." and that may very well lead to my doom.

1 comment:

naivete said...

haha i like that last sentence!

and anyway, for your first paragraph... there's a song that goes "the heaaaarrrt never forgets.. no the heaaaarrrrtt never forgets" haha