Tuesday, March 08, 2005


Interesting note. I heard from a documentary on Discovery channel just now that love and madness are chemically very similar to one another. Maybe that's the reason they call love a "madness." It makes the brain incapable of any complicated task. They said it's because of Serotonin. High levels of it are associated with love, while low levels are linked to depression and mental disorders.
So in effect, when we are in love, our serotonin levels increase. So the body tried to level it off by releasing inhibitors. But as long as we're in love, the high levels are maintained. The bad thing about this is, the moment we perceive that something is wrong, we stop producing serotonin and the massive amount of inhibitors pull serotonin levels to a very low level. And then we crash and burn, so to speak. The onset of depression begins and it takes a long time to recover..

Ugh! I've managed to quantify love in chemical terms. But a different perspective might be a good idea. At least I know why I'm going crazy. Hahaha..

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