Saturday, February 26, 2005


I'm getting paranoid over a lot of things. i can't really say about what or whom. I guess the stress is finally catching up to me. The stresses of school, life, everything.

How come everything is so complicated? It seems that nothing is ever simple. Circumstances are made of layers and layers of events, facts, and feelings. All of them are so intertwined with each other that it's so complicated trying to sort things out. The result is, going from point A to point B, one cannot take the straight line. And there's a danger of tearing everything down with one false move.

1 comment:

naivete said...

There's something called the Butterfly Effect of the Chaos Theory. It's how one tiny seemingly irrelevant thing can still affect things on a larger scale. It's very beautiful actually. They call it the butterfly effect because they use this particular illustration for it: A tiny butterfly flapping its wings in China can make a small change that'll make a bigger change that can make a tornado in Texas! Events are intertwined in ways we cannot always see. But how does the butterfly know when to flap its wings? Really, it doesn't. It just flaps its wings and tries to be the best butterfly it can be and hopes for the best =) Be a butterfly hihi