Monday, February 14, 2005

Valentine's Day

Today is Valentine's day. I've been dreading this day for so long but now that it's here (and almost over), it's not as bad as I thought. Here are some things I thought about today:

My theo teacher mentioned earlier that we give ourselves in service to find meaning in our lives. I just thought that we're not really "giving" anything but time in exchange for the development of ourselves. We find ourselves in the service of others because we're doing something not only for ourselves..

Went to mass early this evening. Death anniversary of my lolo. The priest told a story about an old man visiting his wife in a nursing home everyday for breakfast with her despite the fact that she has Alzheimers disease and doesn't remember him for the past 5 years now. And the only thing the man said when asked why is: "Because I remember."

While walking back home, a movie I saw before cam back to memory. 50 First Dates. I loved that movie. And I was reminded again after hearing the priest during the mass. To love someone who doesn't remember who you are, and keeps forgetting everyday.. And everyday thinking of something to make her fall in love again.. That may be one of my favorite movies. I wonder if I could ever do that..

Early today I made a lot of paper flowers. I just felt like doing so, like last year. I really didn't have anyone in mind to give them to, so I gave them to anyone who would care to have one.. or two. It's my way of giving something on Valentine's, even if it's to no one in particular..

I heard in Japanese class that when a person wants a wish, that person should make 1000 cranes.. maybe I should start making 1000 cranes. You'll never know when you'll need a wish.. and after I've done 1000 cranes, then I'll think of something to wish for..

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