Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy New Year!

I'd like to thank everyone for the wonderful year I've had. It wouldn't have been the same without any of you guys. Thank you, thank you so much. Every one of you has contributed so much to who I am. Thank you to all my friends who supported me in whatever I needed support in; family who are always there despite arguments; cousins, though far away; people I've seen and met along the year; and especially the people who've given me such colorful memories, some of grief, despair, sorrow, joy, anger, loneliness, and everything else. Even though some of you I barely know or knew, the fact that you were there at that moment in my life is now part of me. I thank you for who I am.

This year, 2005, I hope you all the best. May you all find happiness without compromising the happiness of others. I'll try to always be here, if any of you need me. Cheers!

-Michael Gerard

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