Friday, January 28, 2005

Lessons from a Fox

I've been trying to keep myself busy lately so I won't have time to think. Unfortunately, thoughts always come creeping in when you least expect them. So now I'm just gonna let them flow out. But now that I'm here, they won't seem to surface..

I love reading The Little Prince every now and then. And everytime I read it, I notice something new. Perhaps a new idea surfaces, or something I can relate with my life. I really find the book to have deeper meaning than most. One part I fondly remember is the part where the Little Prince met the fox. That chapter had me thinking so hard for days. How could something so simply written have such an effect on me? I know the answer, but I still like to ask the question now and then. What the fox said was very true, "For what you have tamed, you become responsible forever." I've let people tame me, and I'm not quite sure they know. But it's my fault if I get hurt because I allowed them to do so. I willingly let myself be tamed.. knowing full well where it could lead me.

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