Monday, January 03, 2005


Sometimes, certain events or things get me thinking... now is one of those times. I can't really focus on a certain thought; I just let my mind wander off. Somehow, it has managed to land on the topic of friendship.

Why is it that some people seem to get along better than others? I know that it has something to do with personality and everything, but why is that? Why is it that some people who've known each other for a long time aren't as close as some people who've only known each other for a short time? Why are there such things as "rank" given to people such as acquaintance, friend, close friend, best friend, buddy, pal, confidant, equal, colleague, etc, etc, etc. It would seem as if friendships were so political to have that many different words describing it and it existing on so many levels. Sometimes, I wonder what level I'm on... Am I treading in the shallows? Or have I drowned in the deep end?


Relax Mike. Don't think too hard on things. It's just the vodka driving your thoughts...


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